Nowadays, smartphone addiction is becoming a widespread problem, and it seems to be getting worse. Statistics say that we unlock our phones between 110 and 150 times a day.

According to the research of 1,600 managers and professionals:

– 70% check their smartphones within an hour of waking up.

– 48% check it over the weekend, including Friday and Saturday nights.

– 51% continuously during the vacations.

– 44% feel anxious if they lose their phones and couldn’t use them for a week.

If you have noticed similar indicators in your behavior, you will find this article helpful in taking control of your addiction.

Below, paper writing service prepared a series of tips that can help to stop your mobile phone addiction. It includes simple but effective tips that you can implement into your life right today.

1. First 30 minutes without a smartphone

If the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up is check your smartphone, it means you are probably addicted to this gadget.

Nothing is so important that you have to check your cell phone right when you open your eyes. So, leave it until breakfast.

6 Steps to Overcome Smartphone Addiction 2

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

2. Turn off as many notifications as possible

You don’t need to know what’s going on at every moment.

Remove all unimportant notifications. The bar full of icons will only make you more alert, and your brain will want to remove them from it. And of course, to do that, you have to see them all.

Read: How to spy on someone text messages without his smartphone

3. Create your day off from your phone

Choose a day of the week and put your smartphone away. If you think it’s too much, choose one day every two or more weeks.

When you’ve mastered that, you can move on to the next step, which would be to take a vacation without a smartphone.

4. Set limits

You have to create a use-a-smartphone plan. Define a time in which you can’t use your mobile phone under any circumstances; neither to call, nor to answer, nor to surf the internet.

If you are one of those who unlock your phone every minute, set an alarm and check your mobile phone every 15 minutes. When you manage to carry out that amount of time without anxiety, go up to 30 minutes and so on until the goal you want to achieve is reached.

Read: How sleeping with your phone increases the risk of cancer and infertility

5. Delete unnecessary apps

Since many apps are free and easily accessible, we often install them without stopping. Having so many applications on your mobile phone will make you get distracted much more quickly and force you to spend your time uselessly. So, the conclusion is the more minimal – the better.

6. Replace your free time with another activity

On many occasions, we use a smartphone in moments when we have nothing to do. Is there really nothing else you would like to do?

Indeed there is something else you can do that will make you happy.

6 Steps to Overcome Smartphone Addiction 3

Photo by Eren Li:


For any habit you want to implement in your life, you must start slowly.

To avoid cell phone addiction, you should not try to leave it off at once. That will only get you into an addiction cycle that will make you give up and lose all willpower to continue. Instead, decrease its use progressively. For example, if you spend six hours a day stuck to your phone screen, set yourself a five-hour goal. When you have achieved it, drop another hour and so on until you reach your goal.

Going from eight hours to one hour a week is not possible. Frustration will set in very quickly.

Be responsible, don’t cheat yourself. You have to work hard to get rid of your mobile addiction. If you notice yourself checking your smartphone every minute, stop doing it.

In this article, you’ve learned several options that you can apply to avoid mobile addiction. Most people suffer from some phone intoxication, and they miss out on many things going on around them.

We strongly encourage you to take action and not be one of them. And remember – you control your mobile and not the other way around.

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash